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At The Hippie House we're proud to stock a range of quality grow tents that ensure your grow is secure and environmentally controlled. Built from premium quality materials you can be assured that when buying a grow tent from us you'll receive a quality grow tent that will last for years to come.
You'll find grow tents from various suppliers like Gorilla, Mars Hydro, Spider Farmer And Grocell on our site. All of these tents have diamond mylar interior which provides excellent light reflectivity and will increase your growth and yield. With various sizes to suit any grower from the hobbyist to commercial growers our range of grow tents are an easy solution for when you don't have a permanent grow site. They can be put together in as little as an hour and provide you with a sturdy, secure and environmentally friendly growing environment. So if you're on the move or in a rental location you can easily take your grow tent and indoor garden with you to your new premises and have the exact same set up where ever you go!
All our grow tents are 100% light leak proof meaning once zipped up no light from the grow light will escape. However since it is an enclosed environment you will need to run a ventilation system to bring fresh air and oxygen to the plants. We also sell a great range of ventilation fans and systems which will suit our grow tents. For smaller tents you can get away with a 4-5 inch fan. Medium sized grow tents will need a 6-8 inch fan while larger ones we recommend using one or more 10-12 inch fans.
General practise is to have a fan bringing fresh air from outside into the tent, and a fan inside taking the inside air out. Position the fan on the outside of the tent down below. We find screwing them onto an upside down pot usually provides the right height for the bottom ducting ports. There's various ways to hang and position your fans however we find using a pot cheap and easy.
The fan on the inside of the tent will hang from the top beams in the grow tent. You can do this with wire and rope otherwise we also sell specifically made hangers which you can see by clicking here.
Once you've positioned the fans all you have to do is connect ducting from the fan into the grow tent's ducting port; then pull closed the ducting ties. Now you'll have a fan blowing fresh air into the bottom of the grow tent and a fan blowing the old air out the top. Positioning the fans like this also helps keep the tent cooler as hot air rises.
You can also buy small clip fans which you can place within the tent which will provide better circulation for your plants. For larger grow tent's you can also find large standing and wall fans in our environmental control category. It's not necessary to add an additional fan into a smaller grow tent but it will give you better growth as your plants will receive a better flow of oxygen. For larger tents you will need an additional standing or wall fan.
Some gardeners will also use a carbon filter within their ventilation system which eliminates smells. Adding one on to your system is easy. Just connect it between the top ducting and the inside fan. This way when the air from within the grow tent is being blown outside it will pass through the carbon filter. From there any odours from the garden and plants will be filtered out and trapped within the carbon filter.
Hanging lights within a grow tent is easy and it doesn't matter what lights you are using. HPS and MH lights with reflectors will easily hang from the top beams and the same goes with LED's and fluorescent.
The bottom of the grow tents are water proof so any spillages will usually stay within the tent unless it's major. Otherwise certain tents will also include a bottom tray encase your worried about water leaks. Since the bottom of the tents and trays are made from the same reflective mylar material it's also extremely easy to clean up any medium spillages like soil and coco.
If you have any questions in regards to our grow tents please don't hesitate to contact us. Our support team will gladly help you wherever we can. So if you're confused as in what brand to buy, what sized grow tent you will need or any other concerns in regards to grow tents you can click here to contact us.