Spiritual Sky perfume oils are definitely one of our favourite perfume oils at The Hippie House. Made with a range of quality natural ingredients these perfumes are a must have for any perfume collection! They come in 21 different fragrances which you can all find below :)
Proudly made in Australia on the Sunshine Coast these lovely perfume oils have been around since the 1970's and are very popular among Australian women. They were originally intended to be worn one the body and clothing however as they are very concentrated they also can be used in many other ways.
We have customers who mix them with base oils and burn them within their oil burners which will release their beautiful fragrances within the air filling your home with the rich tones of your favourite perfume. You can also dab a little into your bath which will be sure to relax and rejuvenate you!
We've also heard of people using them to fragrance floral arrangements, putting dabs into their dryer which will give your clothing a soft refreshing hint of the perfume and even dropping some onto the carpet within your car to remove that stale car smell.