T5 Grow Lights Australia - Complete Guide - The Hippie House

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T5 Grow Lights Australia - Complete Guide

February 26, 2020 4 min read

A Guide To Getting Your Head Around T5 Grow Lights

It’s evident that every indoor grower dreams of getting big yields from whatever they grow. Many factors can lead to either making an awesome harvest or losing everything altogether. One of these factors is light, and that’s where choosing the right grow light comes in handy.

If you’re starting on this journey of indoor growing – you’ve found the right guide for your T5 lighting.

In this guide, we’ll help you understand what T5 Grow Lights are suitable for and their key benefits. Also, we’ll help you understand how to choose the right T5 Grow Lights, setting up the lights (for newbies), and all about light cycles. Finally, we’ll show you where to buy the T5 Grow Lights that will satisfy your needs.

What are T5 Grow Lights suitable for?

Before we get into our question above, what is a T5 Grow Light good for? Do you know how a typical fluorescent light looks like? Picture a T5 that way. In other words, it’s a tube-shaped light in 5 /8 -inch diameter hence the name T5; T for the tube, and 5 for the dimensions. The primary purpose of these lights is to provide artificial lighting for plants grown in greenhouses and indoors. They create a great environment for plants to thrive in by providing the natural light spectrum.

 Many people trust T5 lights because they’re reliable and never disappoint. We’ll discuss their benefits in a short while. The first thing T5 lights do best is growing vegetative plants. When we say vegetative plants, we mean plants like lettuce, greens and non flowering plants. Secondly, these lights are perfect for propagation. So, when doing any plant propagation or cloning, even grafting having a T5 light by your side is very handy. What about flowering plants though? We discuss it below.

What to do if you’re Growing Flowering Plants

You can get T5 bulbs in various different spectrum's, for example 6400K and 2400K. 6400K bulbs produce a whiter light which are great for propagation and vegetative purposes as discussed above. You can also get 2400K bulbs as well though which produce a warmer, yellower light which flowering plants tend to love. 

If you're going to grow flowering plants where harvest and yield are a priority we do recommend LED or HID grow lights. However if you've just got a couple of flowers or orchids you will get away with a T5 light with a 2400K bulb / spectrum.

T5 Grow Lights Key Benefits

These are the common benefits of using T5 grow lights.

  • They’re energy-efficient – they have low wattage with high lumen output. You enjoy great growth while keeping your electricity bill low. 
  • T5 Grow Lights have a long lifespan – They have an average of 20000 hours (per bulb)
  • They’re Budget-friendly – the beauty of these lights is they are very affordable - especially when compared to LED's. 
  • T5 lights are not toxic – yes, you read that right, these lights are environmentally friendly!

How to Set Up the T5 Lighting System

Many people often ask what’s the ideal distance to place your T5 light from the plant. Before you mount those fixtures, you must know the right height to place them. The most common answer is; the best height is between 6-inch and 8-inch above your plants. However have the lights about 12-inch high for seedlings or plants that fear the light. Note that different plants require different amounts of light. Don’t put lights on then go about doing other stuff. Always look after your plants during the first couple of days to understand their needs. Also note the amount of light that plants absorb tend to change at different growth stages. 

Light Cycles

One last thing worth mentioning is the light cycles (the period you keep the lights on for). You must figure that out and do it appropriately. Remember, just like outdoor plants receive light over certain hours of the day, your indoor plants will need the same. For you to find the right light cycle for your plants you must research the type of plants you have. For instance, some plants need 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark, others thrive with 18 hours of light, and 6 hours of dark and some plants require 24 hours of light and zero of darkness. 


We hope this guide is sufficient to get you started or points you in the right direction. If you’re wondering where to buy any of these T5 Grow Lights as well – we sell them right here. Go through our website or click the link below. If you have any questions as well please don't hesitate to reach out - we are always here to help!

Looking For T5 Lights or want to know more?

Our hydroponic experts are always here to help and we offer our clients on going support. Click the link below to get in touch with one of our sales reps.

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