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Root Chakra Perfumed Oil

Root Chakra Perfumed Oil - 8ml Roll On

The root chakra is the lowest of all the seven chakras of energy. This chakra is associated with grounding and the baser emotions of life. The root Chakra perfume has been created with essential oils that are related to the Root Chakra and help to energize it. They help to over come the energetic imbalance that can cause over indulgence in baser things of life. The Root Chakra is a subtle blend of Cedar, Frankincense, Myrrh with notes of Patchouli and Vetiver. Apply this oil to create vibrations that will energized the root chakra and help you reach higher spiritual levels.

 The seven Chakras Perfume Oils are listed below:

CROWN CHAKRA: For listening to the harmony of the spheres.
THIRD EYE CHAKRA: An aid to meditation, helps in releasing anxiety.
THROAT CHAKRA: Moving through fear of expression, anti-spasmodic and calming.
HEART CHAKRA: For soothing and gently sedating, helps calm, heal and protect.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Aids in mobilizin personal energy, tonifying and encouraging.
SACRAL CHAKRA: Refreshing, calming and uplifting, for loving one's body.
ROOT CHAKRA: A physical & emotional sedative that is warming, relaxing and protective.